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Killer bees: Past the title screen.



So working all day yesterday and all morning today led to this:


The Beebot can run away from the bee swarm. The bees (you) have to get him. I guess the yellow number will show the number of bees you have left. (Although if it does get down to 0, the game ends.)

Another thing I managed to do is get the scanline count at a steady 262. I played a simple game of the Odyssey 2 killer bee game using O2EM. I didn't get very far. I think it was because the control scheme was a keyboard and not a joystick.

I am also wondering how the Odyssey 2 version keeps track of the number of bees to display yet keep the bee swarm shape looking random. I think I'm just going to do the same amount of bees and just call it in the manual the number of swarms. That way, it can still be just one and still look like a swarm of bees instead of, say, 9 swarms of bees.

This is hard.


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