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Killer bees: 1,624 bytes



Game progression keeps on going. At one point I was so angry that I had to quit working on it because I couldn't make a solid 262 scanline count. But thankfully Splendidnut helped me out. If I ever get this game released, I'll give him a free copy of the game because it wouldn't be without him.


So I have the colored killer bees that progressively get meaner and meaner, a Beebot that moves around the screen, your bees that go after the Beebot. But this is far from finished. I have to add in some other elements, like death, and RoSha Ray. I have a plan for that last one.

In the original Killer Bees, the RoSha Ray goes horizontally. I however, will make my RoSha Ray (missile 1) go vertically because it will be way easier to program. That, and I only have 1,624 bytes left in my 4k game, so it's not like I have an infinite sandbox. Well, I do, but I don't know how to play with some sections of the sand yet.

As you can see, I made COLUPF brighter. This is because the enemy bees were hard to see on my TV.


I think it's going well, but it feels as though it's more of a Roman Colosseum fight to the death thing in my opinion since there's one Beebot and one swarm of enemy bees. I guess each machine has its limitations.

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