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Killer bees: RoSHa Ray



Worked a little on it this morning. Introduced RoSHa ray code. This is what it looks like when its activated.


Also, as you can see, the life counter is now not zero. I also introduced a way to die. I am thinking I need a way to let the user know you can use the ray though. The easiest thing to do (because I hate hard things), and what I will probably end up doing, is just change the score color to green. If you can't use the ray then the score will be red.


Your only defense against the Killer Bees is the bug-zapping RoSHa Ray. It will become charged each time your swarm kills a Beebot, and red electrodes will follow the vertical motion of your white swarm. Press the action button to fire the bug zapper. It will instantly disintegrate any swarms to the left or right of your white swarm including those in tunnels or currently stinging your swarm and will not hurt your white swarm.


I don't know if you can just hold fire forever and have the RoSHa ray be on forever or how that works. Also, I'm just going to have the RoSHa ray just kill the enemy bees only if they touch it. This should make the game harder instead of just having a cure-all button press. That stuff I'll do tomorrow. It was hard just getting the ray to show up and be the same x position of your bees. As it turned out, I had to put it in a special place in the code, right after the place where player 1 is drawn. If X is 3 then it should draw missile 1. If it's 2 then it should draw missile 0. But since I'm not using missile 0 for anything (It would have the same color as the Beebot, which is player 0). A thing I might do is change the color of the Beebot when it gets slower and slower. But I'll only do that if it won't make the screen all jumpy.



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