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So I resumed work on Craig the Cranberry for the VB. I wanted to put in Chad and Chuck the cherries.


My original idea wasn't going to work. So I had to come up with a second one. The trick to getting past the cherries is to get in the middle of them while they walk towards you, and then when you're in the middle, wait until it starts walking again and lifts its right "leg" to exit. You can't jump over them because if you jump, they'll jump. But when I was done with that, I wanted to put in something that was in Insecticide: scrolling backgrounds. In Craig, this would be in the level intro.


This took ALL NIGHT. I started work on this at about 9 p.m. and finally, at about 4 a.m., I had everything okay. My initial problem was getting that word "craig" to scroll correctly. I discovered that if it was square, it would work much better. I also discovered that if I tried to put text in the game, it initially looked like this:


This is where the "fun" started: Trying to make it NOT do this. I had tried so much, I actually was wondering at one point if what I wanted was even possible. Several redesigns of that screen later, and tens of attempts of trying to do different stuff in the code, I had it correctly done, like in picture 2. So I went to bed at 4 a.m. and just woke up now, at about 12:10pm. I went to test the game on a real VB. It works fine. It starts going crazy after the cherries, but this is due to me not coding any special thing for after that.


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