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Jaguar mood



Today I'm in the mood for the 64 bits of powa. I worked on Zyx Game Collection #1 even though it has practically no chance of getting released ever. I wonder if Songbird would like to? Just to make sure my Jaguar worked, I plugged it in, plugged the cord to my TV, and pressed the button. The power light didn't light up. So I tried again. Nothing. I was beginning to think my Jaguar had died after each attempt. I unplugged it, made sure the power strip was plugged in, made sure it was plugged in firmly. Nothing. Until I took out the cartridge and stuck it back in again. The power light lit on. But I got the red screen of death. Hey, it lives! So I tried a few more times and voila! It works now. I can hear the Jaguar chant "Earth-Crushing Beans," or whatever it says on the Jeff Minter Classics title screen. It sounds like "Earth-Crushing Beans." Got some Hawaiian pizza leftovers to eat later. Red Baron does make a good pizza. It's too bad he can't stop harassing Snoopy to just focus on his pizza-making skills.


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