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Channel F musings.



So I was working on Hamburgers 2 when I realized something was up because it wasn't playing the explosion sound after you shot the milkshake and a new one shot an onion ring. Those two sound effects are on different channels so both of them should play. I went to SMS Power and looked at my former posts and realized the value I was putting in c was incorrect. "3" should not be for channel 3, but if the effect was using both channels 2 & 3. Went to sleep at 1:30 a.m.


Woke up at 3 p.m. I had to force myself to get up. I could just sleep all day and all night if I felt like it. But I have programs to write. In my oven room. I got my beta (alpha?) copy of Trimerous in the mail. I played it. It was very fun. And it inspired me. I had previously given up on Frog Crossing because it was acting up on me. But playing Trimerous inspired me to pick up where I left off on programming Craig the Cranberry. It inspired me to make one really huge Adventure type game for the Channel F. So that is what I'm going to do. Later today, I'm going to resume work on Craig the Cranberry. Last time I had touched it was near last Halloween and it was 8k. Well, I want to make it 64k (or whatever the Channel F limit on how big a program can be.)


So how did I do that? I remember I had set up a password system involving the keys at the title screen in a certain sequence given at the beginning of each level. If I'm going to make it as big as I had planned, I might have to make the sequence 5 keys long instead of the current 4 keys. But since I had only gotten so far in programming as the beginning of level 2, I need to figure out a lot more. Craig started out in the forest, and now he's in snow. Next, he'll brave the ocean in level 3. It's too bad though that the Channel F can only make green, red, blue and white though. Really limits the background colors and levels I can think up of. Like what can the next level with a green background (level 4) represent?


I made the 8th and final page of the Trimerous manual today. I cheated. I didn't put very much text on it. I didn't need to. So now the manual is completed. So once I assemble all the games when the boards come from Sweden, THEN I'll print out a manual and make copies of it. And I figure the whole process of all that's needed to be done, I figure it will all be done by Holiday 2020.


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