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The snowman



I put a snowman in the game. He throws snowballs at you. At first, nothing happened if you touched the snowman except it being erased. Since I didn't want this to happen, I put in collision detection for the snowman as well as the snowballs he throws at you. Clever sprite reuse: the snowballs are also the strawberry seeds of the strawberry.


So if you happen to touch the snowman or the snowballs, you'll lose a point off your health. The score acted up and went berzerko, never found the cause but I did fix it. It's not a very important screen, and I am wondering how many different sprites I can have in the game. I want different levels, like with snowmen, and in a water level, I want fish swimming around amidst kelp.

Still, I am surprised at how much stuff I am able to fit in 8k. I am adding stuff left and right and it's still only 8k. I guess it's a good omen since I want the game to be fairly large.

But I should probably stop and work on my other projects I have going on, since the past few days I have only been working on this.


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