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Frank in the chimney



Last time we left Frank the Fruit Fly, he was at the fireplace getting ready to enter the chimney. Spent a long time yesterday with this, but here (finally) is a picture of inside the chimney.


There is a bigger fly trapped in the chimney. All he does is just fly in a square pattern. This causes Frank to fly in a zig zag pattern so as not to touch the big fly. About half of the time was trying to make Frank stay inside the borders, and the other half was spent making the big fly move the way I wanted it to. I tried all sorts of things, but after none of them worked, I got an idea. Make the fly move in a direction until he hits the border, then make him move in another direction... like Frank does at the title screen. Granted, it had been at least a year and a half since I programmed that title screen, but still, I'm an idiot.


I think there must be something wrong with me. I'm sleepy just about all the time. I spent most of Sunday sleeping. Then I get up at about 10 p.m. Sunday night and go to sleep at about 11 a.m. Monday morning. And the next thing I know it's Tuesday already. So I guess the moral is: if you want time to zoom by, sleep.


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