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It's always good to finish something



I have a collection of long songs. I also have a collection of long MIDIs. Not a very big collection, but a collection nonetheless. Searching for MIDIs on the net of songs longer than 15 minutes can be somewhat of a let down. Most of the songs I'd like have no MIDI to match. So I got to making them. I pick songs on the easiness level, what would be fairly easy to figure out the notes to? I just now finished Still Remains by Fates Warning. I had a terrible time with it. I doubt I got the vocals close to correct in some places.

So anyway, I thought "What song should I do next?" A few months ago, I recently got out my vinyl copy of "Flying" by UFO and I think I'll do its title track next. I converted my copy to an MP3 so it's all ready to go. The only problem is it's over 25 minutes long. And I've never done anything that long before. But you'd be surprised at the songs some people made into MIDIs: Thick as a Brick (yes, the whole thing), A Passion Play (same here), Karn Evil 9, Tarkus, Lizard, Supper's Ready. I've made a couple of more obscure, yet still long, songs.

In case you're interested, it's here.



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