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Burger boy



So I attempted to make a Game Boy game larger than 32k. I think I succeeded with a start. I put some data in bank 3 and read it from bank 0. Which is a huge start. I've made a 64k ROM. So we'll see where this goes. My interest in the Bert game has been lessening. I found a way to test it on a real Atari 2600, though.


I put the font in bank 3 as well, and read it in bank 0. This is just a test screenshot. I plan on adding a burger in the background. Getting the burger moving was hard, though. What was also hard was waiting. For two hours. While my computer was updating. It's a little too bad though that I can't center the text though.


So what made me want to make another Game Boy game? A couple things: News of a new Game Boy game called "Where Is My Body?" which I might get even though I don't like point and click adventures. The second one is seeing my Game Boy collection on the floor in a bin with 8 little piles of GB games. I actually played a couple. Revenge of the Gator was hard but fun, while Solitaire Fun Pak had odd controls, with B serving as the main button rather than A. Why? I don't know.


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