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Swat those flies!



Remember that old game in Mario Paint where you moved the mouse around and clicked it to swat flies? Well, I've been working on a Game Boy version, for fly-swatting action on the go (or in the bathroom while pooping a bunch.)


What made me stop? I don't know. What made me continue? Yesterday's blog entry. I found this uncompleted game being in there and I said to myself "I really should finish this. I hardly ever finish anything."

Work I have done this morning includes getting two bees in there. If you touch the bee, you'll lose a life. There's also a timer. If you don't swat a fly after nine seconds, you'll lose a life and a new fly will replace the one you didn't swat in a random place on the screen.


Stuff left to do include introduce both bees gradually, so you'll start with 0 bees, then when you get enough points, a bee will come in, and when you get some more points, the second bee will come in. this should be fairly easy to do. Everything is animated, except the hand and swatter, that animates when you press A to swat with the swatter. There is a lovely title screen song and sound effects in the game. And even though I can now make a game larger than 32k, I plan to keep this 32k. I don't know if the guy who put my last 2 games on cartridge for me can do games larger than 32k. I'll e-mail him and ask him that.


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