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I was trying to find something yesterday. Ran into my Jaguar games. Went to sleep and woke up the next morning at about 5 a.m. I was working on a Jaguar game. I decided to see if I could make it any better. I fixed the jumping gravity problem I discovered in the Running Zyx game. And, I also made the title screen look much better. Unfortunately, due to the way Running Zyx works, I am unable to fix it up with an actual mountain, highway, and field (plus, it will take a lot of effort to put a picture like that together.) So it will have to look the way it is now. Here is a picture of the revamped title screen.


The clouds slowly move right and reappear from the left when one gets to the right side. Originally the clouds moved in front of the Zyx logo, so I had to make it a separate picture in order for the clouds to move behind it like i wanted them to. I also wanted to put in a better 8-bit picture of a banana, but the Jaguar was being uncooperative with it so I have to be okay with the one in there now. Now if only someone could PUBLISH it, that would be nice. Al must have put me on ignore, and Songbird quit responding to me as well.



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