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So today I went to the doctor's office. I finally fell asleep last night at about 10 p.m. and woke up at various points throughout the night, spent trying to get myself back to sleep. Well, I finally woke up at about 8:50a.m. got out of bed, got myself ready, and went to the doctor's office. There was a tent outside, I guess to help treat those who may have "the virus." They checked my temperature, asked me if I was in any contact with anyone who had "the virus", and if I felt sick when I exited the country (which I didn't...to both questions.) Then once inside and in the doctors' room, the nurse said she needed to give me a booster shot every ten years, so I got that. On the way home I got a whopper from Burger King. Not a very good way to end a doctor visit, but it was a tasty one.


But the reason I am writing this blog entry today is this: I named the Zyx game "Zyx Game Collection #1." Why did I do that? Because I thought down the road I'd come up with ideas for a second compilation. But with Zyx #1 almost done (sounds like an alien comic book issue I'm talking about!), I'd like to get started on a second game. Like last night and this afternoon when I was programming Channel F stuff that may not see the light of day.


I just thought of an idea for a game. Since I have been working on that Bert game, this idea popped up in my head. It's like Whack-a-mole, only on the Jaguar. It will involve the number buttons similar to a Kid's Controller built in to every Jaguar controller. There will be nine holes. When a banana comes out, press the corresponding key to get a banana. So if it comes in the center hole, you would press 5. But you have to be quick about it because if you fail to get the banana, you lose a life. And, of course, you only get three. And those darn vuts will pop out of the holes as well. Hitting a vut will also cause you to lose a life.


But that's the only idea I have so far. And so I'm asking for ideas people would like to see of Zyx trying to get his favorite food: the magical banana. And I say "magical" because who knows, they may become extinct soon (thanks to another disease: The Panama Disease, which affects bananas.)


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