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A better bird



So I've been tinkering with the bird design a little bit. It now looks like this:


I have been having tons of problem with the screen and the collision detection. If it detects the bird collision and the egg collision at the same time, the game crashes. So it's been a big fight trying to make it so when the bird's y collision area ends, the egg's y collision begins. Which is especially difficult when you have no idea what you're doing.


I finally fell asleep at about 4a.m. and woke up at 3p.m. So I got 11 hours of sleep. And you know what? I don't feel sleepy enough to go back to bed and sleep some more. Which I guess is an improvement. I tried to sleep at 12:30a.m. but I couldn't get to sleep. So I got out of bed and worked on some personal computer projects. And when I was finished I was amazed to learn it was almost 3a.m.


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