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I have come to the conclusion that I don't like Doom. I tried playing it on the Jaguar. Again. I got farther this time, level 4. With infinite energy. But the trouble I keep having is not shooting the monsters and stuff, but it's the fact that everywhere looks exactly the same and I get lost and the map doesn't really help all that much.


What prompted me to do this? I was going through the garage and I found the overlay. So I decided I should put the overlay on the controller and attempt it again. I have been working on my Zyx game again. It seems like every time I work on it, something new breaks. It's really discouraging. So I decided to not work on that as much and instead focus my efforts on other things. I went in the pantry where I keep my over 300 Atari games. I really should play the 2600 more often, not my stuff I made, the other stuff.


Got out my N-Gage collection and was going to play it, but I got sidetracked. I don't know, it just seems like I'm going around in circles today. But I did accomplish something: I finished that jar of roasted peanuts. A small victory for today, but I can take what I can get.

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