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Hamburgers day 2



I did NOT want to get up today. I feel more sleepy than usual, I think perhaps it may be the gummy melatonin I take to help me get to sleep. I find I'm sleepy all the time. Nevertheless, I worked on my Virtual Boy game today. After getting up at almost 3 p.m. after going to sleep at about midnight. Yes, I got about 15 hours of sleep. Not unusual for me nowadays. Anyway, I added a background to go along with the other background. It now looks like this:


I think the problem I was having of the backgrounds clashing has been fixed. I used bright and medium for the foreground, and dark and black for the background. Now it looks pretty good. Except for I could NOT get the text to be black, so I had to do the solution of making the first 8 rows be black and just put the text up there like it was, but now it's a lot more readable. What to do next? I need to add in the different milkshake movement variations. I think this time, I will have all the milkshakes shoot onion rings in the later stages. I had been suffering a lot from the Game Gear having only 3 audio channels and 1 producing white noise. Well, the Virtual Boy has 4 audio channels, so I can have 2 for the in-game music, 1 for the burger shooting and 1 for the milkshake shooting and that would be OK.


Level 2 will be Red City at night. But I need to finish level 1 first.


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