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Supervision: It came



I woke up to find a big box on the hall tree addressed to me. I figured that must be that Supervision I ordered. So I opened it up. Inside the box was a boxed Supervision, complete with (corroded) batteries. Thankfully they were not in the console. So I threw them away and put in four (uncorroded) AA batteries in. The Travellmate logo popped up, then after that, the Cryst Ball title screen, with music. It works, it works! I went on to play Cryst Ball a couple times. The game is like Breakout. Or Arkanoid, or Alleyway. (Gee there has been a bunch of these games, haven't there been?) I was expecting a horrible, bad experience, but I probably would like Cryst Ball even more if I was any good at it. I never was good at Alleyway.


So what to do with the console when I'm not playing it? I figure if I take out a couple of batteries, it would last even longer. I looked online for an AC adapter but the only one I found on eBay was in the Netherlands. I did find Sssnake, one of the games on my list of stuff I wanted to play, a sealed copy from California (can't get much closer), so I bought it. I am planning on opening the game up and actually playing it. I will keep the packaging though. I think my Supervision has hardly been played at all. I figured that since everything was still included in a plastic baggie and styrofoam inserts in the box. I got a boxed Supervision. And I don't hate it. It's really interesting.


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