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'Twas the Night Before Halloween



Happy Halloween everyone!

I suddenly have the urge to make a game involving William Shatner asleep riding a Hello Kitty-bicycle while holding a crackpipe when it's cold outside. I think I'll wait for the urge to pass on this idea. As if making a game about flying hamburgers shooting French fries at milkshakes isn't weird enough for you. Whatever happened to Benny, anyway?


So I noticed the onion rings had an extra line in them. Which is bad because right after the onion rings I put in the chicken nugget sprite. So it was displaying the first line of that. So I had to cut the first line out.

                vbSetWorld(24, WRLD_ON|1, onionringx, 0, onionring1y, 48, 0, 0, 16, 16);   

                vbSetWorld(23, WRLD_ON|1, onionringx, 0, onionring2y, 48, 0, 0, 16, 16);    
                vbSetWorld(22, WRLD_ON|1, onionringx, 0, onionring3y, 48, 0, 0, 16, 16);   

I changed the first sixteens to 15s (how many pixels to get from the x location of the data I put in) and that solved everything. I don't know why I didn't see this earlier. I guess I shouldn't work on Virtual Boy programming late at night. I also made a website for the game where you can find the latest version of the game, a couple pictures, and a brief description of. That's here.


I moved my Virtual Boy into my room so I wouldn't have to go into the den to test games. This is especially good for when my nephew comes over and is in the den watching TV. Oddly enough, when I was his age, I was in the same den watching a different TV in nearly the same location. This is due to my condo being my grandparents' home and when they died, my mom and I moved in. We were living in a trailer park then. Those were horrible times. But enough of my personal stuff.


Exciting week ahead: Halloween tomorrow, changing clocks back Sunday, my birthday Monday and a you-know-what on Tuesday. I love Halloween, it signals the beginning of my favorite season of Winter, a time when I'm not burning up in an oven and the sun seems to disappear most of the time behind clouds and it's dark almost all the time. For you see, I am a vampire.


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