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Onion rings!



So after sitting here for I don't know, 4 hours or so, I finally made the milkshakes shoot onion rings only periodically in Hamburgers. Getting the milkshakes to shoot in the first place was easy, the hard part was trying to get it periodically. I'm going to have it the later you are in the game, the better (worse?) chances the milkshakes will shoot onion rings at you. Right now there's about a 1/8 "chance" of the milkshake shooting (12.5%) on level 2.


I'm not going to work on anything that might make me angry tomorrow because who wants to be angry on their birthday? I woke up at an odd time: 8:30a.m. This strange occurrence happened because I woke up after sleeping for 8 hours because I went to sleep at midnight. Granted, I fell asleep on a couch a few times and had rather odd dreams about the football game that was on TV. I woke up for reals at about noon. It's about 9:45 p.m. right now. I changed all the clocks back which is really dumb, but I heard the state I live in is going to not have to do that some upcoming near year, I don't know which one.


I celebrated today because everyone who came over has to go to work tomorrow. I guess it's a bad time to have your birthday on a Monday. I got a couple books, a couple DVDs, and some other stuff I can't recall right now. And pizza and cake. Yumm. Though they got it at this local place for some reason which wasn't as good as Domino's is. But chocolate cake is yummy. But there was no way to light the candles. Nobody had a lighter or anything. So we didn't do candles. My sister tried lighting them with the toaster, but I thought she was going to burn the house down or something, so I made them quit. Candles are dumb anyway.

  • Confused 1


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