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Opening Sssealed Games



A birthday present from myself came in the mail today. I got Sssnake for the Sssupervision (Sssorry.) It was sssealed. Ssso I opened it. I felt bad about opening a sssealed game that had been that way for 30+ years. But video games are meant to be played. And apparently they're cheaper if they haven't been opened. It sssaid "Supervision" instead of "Travellmate". I guess Watara had the possibility of changing the opening to whatever they felt like. It's totally different from the game "Sssnake" for the Atari 2600. This Sssnake is more like the Atari 2600 game "Tapeworm" except with crappier controls. I press down. It moves right. I press down over and over again furiously ssso I don't crash into the wall. Finally, it decided to go down. I didn't get past level 1.


I also got the courage to work on my game I said I wasn't going to work on today. Everything was going fine except when I got to the boss and died, one onion ring didn't show up any more. But I fixed that problem. Now I need to think of a new level setting and design it. Now the main engine is almost complete. I need to add in the chicken nuggets. Seeing how well my "randomizing" the percentage chance of a milkshake shooting an onion ring happens, it shouldn't be that hard, should it?


I have horrible acid reflux today. I think it was all that pizza I ate last night. But I like pizza. I guess this brand of pizza doesn't agree with me because I don't usually get acid reflux the day after eating pizza. I bought a third Supervision game today, "Pyramid." It's one of those odd puzzle games where you must do something specific with the shapes (in this case, triangles) coming down. Just now thought that it's fitting Pyramid should be my third game because pyramids are triangles with three sides. Well, the ones in Pyramid are anyway. 3D isn't exactly a strong suit on the Supervision. Far from it.


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