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Chicken nuggets



Working on "Hamburgers" again. Did a lot of stuff yesterday. I added chicken nuggets to the game. If you shoot one, it doesn't do anything, but if you touch one, you get an extra life. I also made it so they quit showing up after 9 lives, so the maximum amount of lives you can have is 9. I also made it so they can't shoot onion rings, but they do move in the same way the milkshakes do. There is a 5% chance when you shoot a milkshake that the nugget will appear. I don't know if that should be it, but since it's based on a timer that adds by one every frame, and that number is between -127 and 127, and if the number is below -121 then display the nugget, there's not much I can do to change it.



I also made it so once level 1 ends, it goes to level 2. What's more is that there is little (if any) screen garbage flashing on screen while it does this. To do this, I had to blank all the levels I was using and then redraw them when the time came.


So now with chicken nuggets in the game like I wanted them to be, along with some bug fixes related to pausing the game, I guess it's time to begin work on level 3. I think I'll make it a desert, with cacti and stuff in the background and stuff.


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