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Level 3 - the desert.



Work continues on Hamburgers. The past few days I've been working on level 3. I made it so the boss moves up and down. I made a video of it, but it looks really crappy since it only records at 30 fps. So this screenshot will do. It shows cacti and pyramids moving in the background. It took me a little over 7 minutes for me to complete level 3 while playing it, but I'm a real poor aim so it will probably take less time than that for you.


There aren't any cacti in the Sahara, but oh well. I figured people would get it's supposed to be a desert if they saw cacti and the pyramids. Tomorrow I will make level 4. I'm thinking it will be underwater. With seaweed and the ocean floor in the foreground and fish and darker seaweed in the background, kind of like what I did with the cave in level 1. I want to take a small break, but every time I say that, I end up working on it anyway. There's no rush, but I want to get it finished. I don't know why. I also want a total of 10 levels. So a perfect game would be 1,000 points.


I'm also wondering whether I should make it so that if you miss an enemy the game moves along anyway. So even if you miss all 80 enemies in a level you'd still get to face the boss.


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