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3-D depth on the Virtual Boy?



Wow, who would have thought? I had some trouble with this. I tried it and they said I got it backwards. So I tried it again, reversing the number from positive to negative and I think this looks better than my first attempt. I am not sure I have the eyes for the Virtual Boy. I can see the tip of my nose. When I hold my hand in front of my face, it sort of doubles and gets blurry. I don't know if it's crosseyed or lazy eyes or what, but the Virtual Boy doesn't really work that much for me. Plus the tip of my nose gets tickled by the felt on the VB's display.


So no more pictures (you can't put 3D in 2d pictures), but I will still keep putting ROMs on my website in case you have a VB and want to play-test for me. I am working right now on the fourth level. I used one of the background pictures from the unreleased Aaron the Aardvark game for the Atari Jaguar. I VB-ified it so it only has 3 colors and black. So that is what is going on. I need to write a song for level 4. Something soothing. Because of the shark. He won't eat you, he's just in the background. It's an underwater level.


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