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So I had ants keep coming in my bathroom. Perhaps a couple every time I went in. So I put two Terro traps in there and went to sleep. When I woke up about 12 hours later, there were about 200 or so ants, with an additional at least 50 dead in the traps themselves. This is crazy. Since I wanted to be able to use my bathroom and not the other one, I went to work killing all them, and I put the ant-covered traps outside. It must have taken me 20 minutes to make sure all the ants I could see were dead and gone.


To make sure I didn't track any living ants into my room, I took my clothes off and ran back to my room after making sure there weren't any ants crawling on me like there was when I was in the bathroom. I hate ants. It's November. They should all be dead. But, I guess no hard freezes so far this fall = alive ants. If I itch, I check to make sure it's not an ant crawling on me. I hate life.


In other news, I received a background for level 5 of Hamburgers done for me. Had to alter it a little, but not much.


The snow is falling down behind the snowman, igloo, and clouds, and the burger, fry, milkshake, onion ring and text are all in front of it.


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