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More work on level 5



I finally am able to use black as a color, but as an expense, I have to use more Worlds. So the setup for each "World" is 3 colors + transparent. Usually the transparent color is black, but if you want to use black as a color, you have to define one of the other three colors as "transparent." But there is a way around this. And that is to use more worlds. A World (in this sense) is basically a layer of the screen. You can put Worlds on top of each other, like pieces of paper. This isn't what gives the sprites Virtual Boy 3Dness. That's something else.


Anyway, you can define each world's transparent color something else. I used this effect to not only use black as a color for coloring, but also to put an outline around the hamburger to make it more easily visible.


Notice how the rest of the snowflake is not appearing at the igloo's entrance. That's why. I stayed up until 2:30 a.m. or so trying to figure out the notes to "Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow." I think part of the problem was I was doing it in the key of E major. The other part of the problem was it's a hard song. But I think I got it.


As for the bathroom, there's still ants in it, but not as many. I still had some Wasp and Hornet Raid left from that other insect problem I had so I sprayed some of that in there. Ants are stupid. They serve no purpose, and are only here to annoy humans.


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