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The F stands for 'fly'



Between getting ready to ship boxes of Trimerous out (there are still a few left, btw), I have been working on a new Channel F game. Perhaps a game of "Trimerous 2" is in the making? Anyway, it's a fly swatting game called Flies. Flies to swat at, bombs to avoid, great fun for all. Right now I have a title screen and the beginning of an in game thing working.


The lovely title screen. What I WANTED to have happen was have a pretty song play here and then pause the song to animate the fly and then go back to the song playing code, but it's being dumb and won't let me do that. So it will have to be silent. At least the fly is flapping his wings.



The fly is animated. His wings flap up and down. You can move the fly swatter around, and the fly moves around the screen randomly, but that's it so far. I actually began this awhile back, but I've decided to start back up working on it. I know, I have way too much to do but more than enough time to do it. A few days ago, I worked on level 6 of the burgers game. It's set in outer space.


I have decided that since I'm only one man, I'll be shipping Trimerous boxes out in groups of six. Which means four trips to the post office. I am a little confused, though, I thought these would sell out really fast and be gone by now. Oh well. At least I got some to get rid of. These Channel F carts need to go to good homes where they will be played instead of sitting around in the closet being ready to ship. I also have not been playing my Channel F lately. Last night I played Kirby's Dream Land 3 for the Super NES. I tried to get it to work with my Game Genie, but it wouldn't work. So I tried it with Super Mario World. That worked, but not Kirby. How interesting. I wonder if one could make a super tower and put a game in a Game Genie and then put the Game Genie in an X-Band modem and put that in the Super NES. Nobody would have to know you were cheating when you played online.


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