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Level select



So after giving up on Flies, I went back to work on Hamburgers. One of the things I wanted to do was put in a level select feature. Good thing I did because after playing level 4 and the game went to level 5, I found a bug. The snow was standing still for about a couple seconds and then started falling. I fiddled with the code and eventually got that fixed, although I don't know how. It was super late, about 1 a.m., when I tried to go to sleep. My clock read 12:59. Every ten minutes or so, I'd check the clock to know how long it took me to go to sleep. The last time I did that was after 2 a.m.


I woke up with a horrible stomach pain. I looked at my clock. It read 9 a.m. "Good," I thought to myself, "Perhaps I can finally go to the post office and mail those games." So after one horrible bathroom trip later, I went to the post office. Then I came home and had a few slices of pizza and I was still sleepy. So I went back to sleep. I woke up. It was then after 2 p.m. Right now it's 4:15 p.m.


Pretty soon I will begin work on level 7 of Hamburgers. I will try to make it a jungle. Like how I tried (and failed) to make level 6 in the clouds. The sky was too bright. I couldn't get a good enough cloud picture. It was horrible. I was going to make the next level in outer space anyway. So I said to myself that I might as well give up on the cloud graphics and move straight to the outer space scene.


So anyway, I will make the level select code be in the final version...but as a code.

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