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I slept most of the weekend and Monday. I could sleep right now if I wanted to. Most of my waking hours of Monday were spent trying to make black outlines be on the other sprites in Hamburger. It took a long time to do this, but I finally did it.


It looked kind of odd having a black outline on just the hamburger. I copied and pasted the sprites in an empty area in the .bmp file where all the sprites are stored, then outlined them. I just couldn't do it. So I tried again and had better results. I spent about a couple of hours just doing little change after little change until I got it exactly correct.


Next on the list of stuff to do with this game is compose and make a song for level 7. And once I do levels 8, 9, 10, and ending, then the game will be mostly completed. I'm even designing a manual for the game. The last page I worked on was page 9. I don't know how many more pages I can do. It'll probably have 12, or perhaps 16 at the most.


I also got back to working on Odyssey 2 programming. The night before last I was working on trying to make something just the way I wanted it to. I got the Odyssey 2 out from the garage. I have successfully cut the size of my program in half because half of it apparently wasn't needed at all, which is weird because I apparently must have had to make it bigger at some point.


I don't know why I'm so sleepy all the time. At least I do know why my left arm hurts. A blood test gone wrong a long time ago. Although it doesn't hurt most of the time, I do have little episodes of pain from the red dot on my arm. Now whenever I need a blood test, I have them take it out my hand. I don't know why my arm has no veins and my hands do. I got a letter saying I need to make a doctor's appointment. Which is odd because they would usually call me. And it's also odd because it hasn't been 6 months yet.


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