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Bye, cat.



Our cat hasn't been well this past year. She began growing a tumor on the right side of her face, near her eye, but she kept acting like a normal cat and eating and stuff. Well, that changed a couple days ago when she stopped eating. I think mom and I both agreed that it was time to put her to sleep. So that's what mom is doing right now. I said goodbye to her as I put her in her carrier for what is presumably the last time.


The cat was originally my grandpa's cat. But he passed away in 2008, which should give you a sense of how old the cat is. Why didn't I go? Mom doesn't like to leave the dog alone. So I'm here with the dog. Recently, we had to keep telling the dog to stop licking the cat because I guess tumor growths are tasty. And no more of the dog getting into the litterbox because Mom says we will not get another cat. My sister's cat (a different cat) died earlier this year. So if 2020 will be remembered for the year of COVID-19, it will also be remembered by this family for cat deaths.


So rest in peace, Holly. You were a good cat. Never clawed the furniture, always went to the bathroom in the litter box. But, we all have to die sometime, I guess.

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I'm Sorry to hear that.


One of our cats developed a tumour and was put to sleep a couple of years ago. It's a difficult situation.


I wish you and your family the best at this time.

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