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It's day 1 of not having a cat. Yesterday, the dog kept looking around the house trying to find her. We kept telling the dog that the cat left and she's not coming back. I know, it's kind of sad, but there's nothing I can do about it. Oh well. I went out to the garage and I found my Gamecube controller. When the cat was alive, and in my room, I feared she would get trapped in the dark pantry, like she did a couple of times (luckily, I knew she was there and just waited for her to get tired of it and come back in.) But I don't need to worry about it any more.


I played some Mario Kart: Double Dash and it seems a lot harder than I remembered. What was dumb was there was no more ability to have a banana trail behind you by holding Z. They brought it back thankfully in later versions. Then I found my Atari 7800 AC cord. So I tested my Atari 7800. Still works. I thought it was done for when my clock fell on it, but I got it working again. Found my 7800 games. I had been working on Pineapple, mostly with music. I discovered what k stands for: key. I was wondering why a tune in the key of c (and then changes to f) wasn't working when k equaled a. So I changed k to equal c and that worked a lot better. Which begs the question of why was it working all those times k equaled a when the songs in GoSub were not in the key of a.


Each year, we have to leave the dog alone for a few hours while we go over to my sister's house for Christmas. All the previous years, the dog had company in the cat, but she won't this year. I don't understand why we can't have Christmas at our house ever, but nobody seems to like that idea. At least there's no litterbox for the dog to get in while we're gone. It's turning out to be a very sad Christmas season for me. Oh well. At least I can drown my sorrows in lots of Chex mix.


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