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Cheeseburgers and 2600 programming.



So I spent all day working on this. I woke up at about 10 or so. After screwing up my Carl's Jr. order (they put cheese on my burger). I thought I would have to give up since it was acting so strangely. All I was doing was trying to add a b&w mode to it, involving just a couple more lines of code, but it kept being stupid until it decided it had enough and so it quit. It feels like that's what I keep having to do: wait for it to quit having fun annoying me.


I also changed the demon. Instead of aimlessly wandering about the place, now he chases after you. This freed up some room. I could also get rid of the demon moving borders since he would never leave the screen since the pair of scissors doesn't. As a result, I have about 70 bytes.


And wouldn't you know it, a copy of Tekken arrived in my mail. Which was stupid because I ordered a Tiger Quiz Wiz. I Pmed the seller on eBay and all I got back was one response where it seemed he thought he knew what he was doing but didn't, but, well, I don't know. And that was 6 hours ago. Doesn't seem very likely I'll get the Quiz Wiz. Oh well, I only spent $14 on it, so it's not a huge deal.


I don't like cheese on hamburgers because it's added cholesterol and sodium I don't need. Whoever decided that cheese goes well on a hamburger way back when cheeseburgers were invented is an idiot. It tastes better without cheese. Don't get me wrong, I love cheese, but not on hamburgers.


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