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Game Boy in 2021.



After reading the Game Boy thread, I got an idea. I had done "Midspace" in 2018 and "Yum" in 2019. I was all set to follow through with "Flies." But then stuff happened. Other projects, mainly, but I dusted off the game's code, and I think I finished the thing. I have no idea for artwork for this. That's where you come in. I need a label. So I'm holding a label contest. Winner gets a free copy of the game. (A $15 value.) There will be 10 copies made, just like those previous two games I mentioned. In case you want inspiration, you can download the game here. The contest will end January 31, 2021 at 11:59pm Pacific. So that gives you a good month. If I get no entries, I'll just design my own label. Oh, and while you're playing the game, if you notice any bugs, please tell me. And the label size is 496 x 437 pixels. My highest score is 1,592. (The highest score possible is 9,999, although I doubt anyone will ever get that far. The maximum wave number is 99.)


And now: the three letters everyone hates. Well, not everyone. Not me, any more, it was easy. A little too easy. Had to go to the DMV to get my id card renewed. Of course, getting an appointment was hard (I made the appointment in early November.) Yes, with the new COVID-19, you must do things stupidly. And I had to take off my mask to get my photo taken. It was kind of odd being in a public place without my stupid, non-helping mask on, if only for a minute.


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