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Quiz Wiz Discoveries



There are two different Quiz Wiz consoles. I discovered this when I tested the one I got in the mail today. There is a difference between the two. The answers are announced differently in the sound. One has a sound effect for number presses, and the other one doesn't.

Later Quiz Wiz cartridges are gray as opposed to black. I got cartridge #60 today, so I know there are at least 60 different cartridges. A lot for sure. I have a few duplicate General Knowledge cartridges, so I guess I had better continue work on my "Lovely Trivia" cartridge. I only have 90 questions, and I need 1,001 total, so I have tons of work ahead.

Plus, a mystery Quiz Wiz console came in the mail today. I have no idea where it came from. I wouldn't order just one with only a General Knowledge cart with it.

I also worked on moving the ship in my Xybort game for the Odyssey 2. And the toilet got fixed yesterday. So I guess all is good now. Until my annual blood test next month. I am so sick of doing that only to get fine results.

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