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So I have been working on another project. I had a font called "Vivaldi" I had been using for it. But when I reset my computer a few weeks ago because it was acting horribly, I had lost it. I hadn't worked on it since before that happened, so I was unaware that it would look crappy. It replaced Vivaldi with Comic Sans MS. So I was on the hunt for a new font that looked like Vivaldi because apparently I needed to pay to use it for some reason.


I found a new font on dafont.com called "Chandiluna". I chose it because it was a calligraphy-type font like Vivaldi is, but also because it was free. And since I don't really plan on distributing this work, I can use it for just my own stuff I don't plan on releasing for profit. I have those types of projects that I work on because I get bored waiting to die. In case you're wondering, I am writing a couple of songs for one of my CDs.


A while back I was browsing my website server where I put stuff, and I came across an unfinished attempt at setting the epic 1800's poem "Goblin Market" to music. So I finished that. it was 42 minutes long. Since CDs can hold a maximum of 79 minutes' worth of audio, I thought it would be a waste, so I wrote my own epic poem and set it to music. It was 37 minutes. I guess I could have made it even longer, but I had to cut it short due to the fact that a CD can only hold 79 minutes' worth of audio.


So right now I am making a second epic poem and setting it to music I'm composing. I've been using Anvil Studio to make midis of the music. It is ten minutes long so far. I am aiming for around 40 minutes. And after that I will make a third epic poem and make it a little shorter. My second poem is called "The Adventures of Steve, a Hair On Top of Bob's Head." So far, kid Bob was born, and Steve fell into Bob's soup when he was 5 years old, and Bob accidentally ate him and pooped him out. Steve is now in the sewer.


And not only that, I'm also taking time out of my mornings to work on and improve the Intellivision game I started work on. And then there's my webcomic nobody reads, my Quiz Wiz project, and some more stuff. I figure I have about 40 more years left to live. That seems like a lot...


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OMG! I find composing 4-5 minutes of music a challenge, and here you are churning out 30-40 minute long pieces. From a professional point of view, I prefer if each musical piece is no longer than 10-15 minutes though of course if you're writing a symphony or other work with multiple movements of different character that thematically belong together, the total play length can be longer.


As for fonts, I tend to be able to find downloadable versions of commercial fonts as well when I look around, but if you found a free one that you like, even better.

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Well, it does take a long time for me to make a 40-minute-long song. I started work on Steve in October. Pretty soon, I'll put out a website where you can check out my musical stuff.

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