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I like designing fonts. A long time ago I had a font program that let me import pictures into glyphs. Well, a few years ago, I remembered that old program and decided to hunt for a similar one. Lo and behold, I had to pay to make my fonts be actual fonts. So I did. It was around $30 or something. And after making a few test fonts, it sat on this computer unused. Until tonight. I made a font. It's called Squaresville. You'll see why if you download it. I have attached it here just in case you want to take a look at it. Give me feedback. I didn't do every single symbol (some were impossible), but I made enough so that a standard user could use them. I mean, who uses the square root symbol in a font?


I had to give up on the shooting game because I could not for the life of me put in player 0 at all. So I am going back to work doing something I love: Designing fonts. More fonts will come later. This is an Open Type font. I don't know the difference between an Open Type and a True Type font. I spent about 2 hours on it so far, making the glyphs in Paint and then importing them into the program.


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Nice! At least when used in Photoshop, the default vertical spacing is very huge, 140% of the character height. Of course that is easy to change in the program, but perhaps you can reduce the default spacing to 50% of the height or something like that.




Character map for those who are unsure:



I'm not entirely sure about the outer squares on B D F V 0 2 5 etc but since the principle is that every character has a square bounding box I suppose it makes sense to have those. The letter I might want serifs even if the others don't. The letters E, F and in particular T might want to be fatter on top (and bottom) and thinner in the middle. The double quotes (second character on the fourth) needs to be redesigned, it is near impossible to understand. The minus sign (second last character on the same row) should rather look like the colon (fifth character on the last row), which means the colon and semi colon just to the left of it should have some design change. The caret is a bit tall, but on the other hand it means the four characters <^v> match together. I'm not sure about the single quote (third character on the last row), if anything the diagonal slant should be on the "pixel" to the upper right, not in the bottom left. The equals sign probably works but could also be worked on.


There may be glyphs I didn't try (or was unable to generate with my keyboard) but I think that is the vast majority you drew?

Edited by carlsson
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