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Channel F...



...It's the only channel worth watching. All the other ones have boring coverage of you know who being you know whatted. Since I had been programming the Channel F the past few days, I decided to plug mine in and see if it still works. It does. I'm thinking of perhaps selling all my Channel F videocarts except my Multicart and my copy of Trimerous. I have a few rare cartridges (#23, #25, #20, to name a few) but I don't really need money right now.


I also have been playing a lot of Dreamcast lately. I have a bin full of Dreamcast games. I bought one more. I'll have to think of something else when it comes. As a result of having no ideas for the Cranberry game, I'm in my room typing this listening to the jazz music station on TV being in a complete and total rut. I do have an idea for a commercial of the game, but it involves buying cranberries and using one. Just one. Why can't they sell individual cranberries to people who perhaps just want one?


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