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Xybort (part 6)



Well, I worked on the game for a couple hours last night. Later this morning I got extremely bored, so I decided to work on the game even more. Here are a few things I added:

  • game over screen
  • lives counter
  • white UFO that shoots at you
  • changed laser beams to rings

That last one was a necessity. Since I was using the tree/ship collision code for enemy ship laser as well, it registered as a hit even when it wasn't touching. I had two options: Make more collision code or change the laser beam. I chose the easier option not just because it was easier but also because I want as much space as possible. A funny thing: The red rings look like candy canes on my old CRT TV. I don't know what that is about. It's Christmas again!


Now I'll take a short break while I figure out what to do next. I think I have enough room to put the boss fight in with the in-game stuff, as well as to stop the trees from moving down when you get to the boss fight. And yes, I'll use the "spr_double" command to make the boss bigger.


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