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Xybort (part 7)



So my break begins now. I felt I just had to do a couple of things before I went on it. I changed a few things:

  • Instead of pressing fire to go back to the title screen after the game ends, it does it after giving you time to read the "GAME OVER" text.
  • Enabled the high score saving.
  • Added a "LEVEL 1" message at the beginning and every time you die.

Bank 1 is 1115/2048 filled and bank 2 is 1155/2048 filled. I think what I'll do is put the boss code in with the main game since I (Apparently. You never know with the Odyssey2) have around >800 bytes left in bank 2. So I've been adding things left and right and apparently not using very much code for them. Perhaps this will only be a 4k game after all. I do have a question: Does Xevious have an ending? I mean, can you beat it like you can beat, say, Super Mario Bros. 3? I have Xevious for the GBA, but I suck at it and can't finish level 1.

I had items #1 and 3 on my list done when I discovered I had more than enough time to enable the high score saving, so I went ahead and did that as well.


I tried to turn my life around and be awake during the day like a normal person, but I couldn't take it any more. I had gone to sleep at about 11 a.m. and woke up at 2 a.m. The plan was to get up at a sane time in the morning but I just couldn't stay asleep that long.


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