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Xybort (part 8)



That is something I'll never do again. After a ten-or-so hour coding marathon, I finally got a good version of Xybort playable until the end of level 1. I went to work adding the boss in. This took longer than expected due to various crap happening with the program. And then I decided to make the code better. As you may have noticed if you played it on real hardware sometimes the trees flickered for a split second. I think I fixed this. But at the expense of adding another 'waitvsync,' which made things slower, so I sped the movements up. Instead of the ship moving, say, 1 pixel to the right, it now moves 2. I think I was able to keep the feel of the game as before, and have the enemy ships move more than they did before, which is good.


I will now take my Xybort break because I am sick of programming for now. Although I'll say one thing: It's 1:30p.m., and I'm still awake. I woke up about 12 hours ago. The huge majority of today was spent fighting with my code. I only stopped to eat taquitos and a big bean burrito. And the boss is in the game now. When you get 20 points, you'll see the huge black spaceship. Shoot it 5 times to clear the level. Although right now, when you clear the level, it says "GAME OVER". I did this on purpose so the game would end once 25 points have been reached. 1,383/2,048 bytes have been used in bank 2, which should be enough room for a few more levels and the data that goes along with them.


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