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Xybort (part 11)



I changed the name of the game from Xybort to ZipZap. I didn't especially like the name Xybort. So I had to think of a new name for it that was 6 letters or less so it would fit on the title screen. I do like the name "Zap Master," but alas, it was too long. So I thought some more and came up with ZipZap. It's like zigzag, but you zip around and zap ufos, so it fits. Today I worked on level 3. In level three, the desert robots follow you around trying to get you to crash into them. Although I think this may be too hard. Let me know and I'll see if I can remove one of the robots. It's too hard for me, though, I only got 6 points.


So I thought some more and what I decided is to make it once you pass the last level, the levels start all over again. You start at level 1. There will be no ending, just a "see how many points you can get" type of game. I'm looking at the Odyssey2 character set and I'm thinking Level 4 will be a purple background with green balls bouncing around the screen. Or at least that's what I'll attempt to program. I have about 500 bytes left in bank 2, so this should fit. The question is "Can I make it work on real Odyssey2 hardware?" We shall see...


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