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Game Gear goodness



Aaaaand, I'm back...to the Game Gear. I think Zipzap is finished, and I've downloaded ConText (despite automatically making my browser go to a PayPal paying page which I just clicked out of. Do they have to beg like that? If I wanted to give them money, I would. As a test, I successfully compiled what I had of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2 for the Game Gear.  Now the hard part: Thinking up of two more level locations. In the second Game Gear adventure, the burgers visit the moon, the jungle, the snow, the desert, the fast food restaurant, and the library. So I need two more places. Well, one could be a castle. So I now need just one more.


And I just bought two more Game Gear games on eBay. So when they come and work, I'll have over 150 individual titles. I already have most of the rarer titles: Mega Man, Tails Sky Patrol, Iron-Man, Arena: Maze of Death. But here's a question: Why are the prices on eBay on Game Gear games going up? I don't want to pay $15 for Paperboy. Madness, greediness, or stupidness? I checked to see if my Game Gear still worked. It does fortunately. I don't know why people have so much trouble with them. It only took three tries to find a working one. I think perhaps, there might be one way to save a Game Gear. Plug it in. That's right.


Well, that's just a Sega Master System then? Yes, but can you play the Master System while you're in the bathroom? I think not. So anyway, I need to get back into Game Gear coding mind and finish this game up.



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