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level 7: the forest



The burger flock have found themselves in a forest. Originally I was going to have a photo of a forest. But I quickly came to the realization that just wouldn't do. So I had to draw one. At least it's in color since it's on the Game Gear. I came back to Game Gear programming after finding some Game Gear titles I didn't have on eBay. Next I made some background music for it. I made it too fast, but I fixed it. There were things I forgot I needed to do when I was programming this. Little things, like adding in onion rings for testing, but I solved that problem by making sure the onion rings were loaded before the level intro.


In level 6, there was a 50% chance of getting a vanilla milkshake which always shoot onion rings at you, and a 50% chance of getting a chocolate milkshake which can but sometimes won't shoot onion rings at you. In level 7, I bumped it up to 75% chance of getting a vanilla milkshake. In level 8, they will all be vanilla milkshakes. I've learned a lot since the first game, when they were all vanilla milkshakes on level 3. What was I thinking?


The box for the Virtual Boy version of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland is done. I think it looks great. It incorporates the title screen very well. Here is a little screenshot of level 7 from the Game Gear version. All that's left to do is add in level 8 stuff and I'll be done. Which makes me wonder why I quit working on it when it was so close to being finished. Now that I've thought about it, the Game Gear versions look really hard since the milkshakes aren't far away to begin with, like in the Virtual Boy version.



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