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Man picky about noses



I've been working on the railroad Uncle Hairy's Nosehair, all the live-long day. Just passing time away. Stella is blurry, so I had to clean up this screenshot to accurately portray what's on the screen:


The gap at the top of the nose has been filled in with skin. One of the things I can cross off my want list for this game. Just now solved another problem I was having regarding the screen jumping sometimes. As it turns out, it was dipping to 261 scanlines when the game ended and began. Fortunately, that was an easy fix.

Among the older changes is the score font, and adding a mode where the nosehair demon doesn't subtract ten points from your total if he gets the box first, accessible by having the right difficulty switch in the b position. My Atari 2600 has a problem with the right difficulty switch. It seems to not like it when it's in the A position because it gets black and white static, like it's been powered off. If I turn it back to B though, it clears up and is fine again.

I am a perfectionist and want things to be working the way I want them. But then again, don't we all want things working the way we want?

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