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sleeping for more than half a day at a time is fun.



I don't know why, but I've become sleepier and sleepier. I slept a lot yesterday and wasn't awake very much. I went to sleep at, I don't know, around 3 a.m. and woke up at 7 p.m. Well, anyway, when I was up tonight, I figured I might as well draw something. I have a lot of fun drawing stuff. None of it is particularly any good, but I still have fun thinking of ideas and then drawing them. But I have a tendency to use really old-timey stuff. The TVs have rabbit ear antennas on them. That is to mark that it's a TV set and not, say, a microwave. Electronics are beginning to get more uniform by the day, I guess. But I think I may have crossed the line here.


And I got tired of spending about an hour to color the comics so they're not in color any more. Another reason is I probably have 0 regular readers of my comics page. Well, I've uploaded a bunch of comics on it. It had been going weekly for now. Starting next week, it will be daily, for at least 8 days. I measured the comics on my comics page of my local news paper. I found if I draw them landscape format, I can fit 8 on one page if I draw them as a strip. I can only fit 6 if I draw them as a panel. This time, I decided to go with a "Rhymes With Orange" format, complete with pre-joke on title panel and then the main joke.


Is it a sign that stuff was funnier a long time ago, or that parodies got harder when all the movies became nothing except ones about superheroes? There will always be something new to parody (which makes me wonder why Mad quit. I wonder what they would think about this dumb pandemic and mask-wearing crap.)


So now I have a new activity for when I get really bored. Sometimes I get so bored I could scream.


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