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Burger in the forest (NES)



So it is time for the forest level.


Lots of various trees in the forest. Since the pizza gets introduced in level 5 (the forest), I thought ahead and designed a taco for levels 8, 9, and 10. I don't know if I'll have room for 10 levels, but I want to have 10 levels. I'm already up to almost address $B000 out of a possible $FFFF. I took the picture of the taco from Aaron the Aardvark, shrunk it down to 16x16 pixels and drew the result in the tiles file. Since the taco will have to share the burger color palette, it may look a bit weird. I'm not sure how it will turn out, but for now, here's an estimate. The colors are probably way off.


Looks yummy to me still. The taco will not shoot anything, but it will adapt and get to your y position so it needs to be shot at. Right now I'm using over half the alotted tiles:


I've been trying to reuse tiles a lot, which is why the trees look a little funky. I could draw better trees, but then I'd have less tiles to draw later levels with. Works out well on a real NES. I got my NES Everdrive out and put the May 22 build on it. I had a little pausing issue but I don't know how since I looked at the pause code and it looks okay to me. Tomorrow I will make the music for level 5. And then the game will be about half finished.


I have been sleeping for like 14 hours a day. I went to sleep at about 9 a.m. and woke up at about 11:30 p.m. Not very healthy, I know, but if I didn't need that much sleep, wouldn't I wake up sooner? I don't know.



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