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More of the burger in the forest.



I decided to spruce up the trees (no pun intended) and make them look better. I discovered I have a whole other half to my tile set that I wasn't using. So instead of having less than half a tile set remaining, I now have more room than I thought. Which is good because the trees needed to look better. Here is the result:


It looks a little bit more detailed. Either the trunks or the leafy parts of the tree need to be one color since I only get three colors to color stuff in. I also made some background music. What I usually do is fiddle around with the tracker until I get something decent-sounding and go with it. This time I had a little part of a song that came to me. So I used the tracker to expand what I had and got a good result. I still have less than $B000 as the ending spot even after I put in a song, so I think I may have enough room for 10 levels.


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