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Open mouth for blueberries



I decided to work on Zyx again because I didn't feel like working on the Burger game. This is now what it looks like:


One notable change is you must press fire to have Zyx open his mouth to eat the blueberry. If you go to the blueberry without pressing fire, it will fall down beside him and you'll lose a life. Some other graphic changes occurred. I changed the 2 graphic. I didn't like the way it looked. So now the 2 looks different (better, IMO). I still don't know what to do with this game, though. I feel like I could play it forever. Perhaps I should lose the life system and just make it a one-hit and die game like an Odyssey2 game? I still just don't know what to do with this.


I did NOT want to get up this morning. I eventually did...at about 11:45 a.m. Which is odd because I went to sleep at about 9 or so. My usual 14 hours of sleep.

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I like the platform.  Makes me think that he's on a birthday cake preventing blueberries landing on the cake. 

You could progress the fruit forward if you score certain amount of points.  Like under 100 points blueberries, 200+ raspberries, 300+ Strawberries, 400+ Lemon slice, 500+ Apple slice, and etc.
Add jump, pull up on controller, to avoid spiders walking across the cake.
Maybe add a 2nd part where you have to shoot seeds back to approaching bugs that's trying to land on the cake. 
So those are my ideas I can share. 

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