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Burger Castle



So while designing the castle, I wanted to make it look similar to the castles in Super Mario Bros. I did this last night. This is the first attempt:


It looks, well, interesting. The red blocks do look quite odd, though, so I redesigned it earlier today. This is what it looks like now:


A little better. I like the fact that it's like the All-Stars version of the castle because instead of pictures of Bowser hanging from the walls, it's pictures of a chocolate milkshake. And no, you won't get burned if you touch the lava because you're in front of it.


I am going to compose the music soon. I want to make it similar to the castle music of SMB. Why? I want to hint to the player that he's reached the end of the game and they're on the last level. I have room for more levels, but it's hard to think up of them and I thought ten was a nice round number to stop at. Plus, I don't want the player to think the game is really long and that there's no end to it.


Then, I'll program the ending. I think I'll spend a lot of time on it because I figure why not since I have the room to do so.

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