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The insomnia I had Wednesday night pushed my sleeping back to being awake all night and sleeping all day again. I was just about finished with Hamburgers when I noticed the game froze at certain times. For instance, whenever I set the number of hits needed to advance to the next level 1, it always crashed at level 4. Setting the number of hits needed to 20 made it crash at level 3. I have been trying various things to try to make it stop, with little success.


Except when I set a certain variable in FamiTone (the music part, famitone2.s). If I set FT_TEMP to 0 it crashes, but when I set it to 5 it doesn't. I have been struggling with this. Why does it do this? I don't know. I think I may have to go with this solution if nothing else seems to pan out.


This is my highest score when I got through all ten levels.


Yes, for some reason it kept giving me chicken nuggets. The chicken nugget code is random, so I don't know why.



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