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Fixed burgers.



I had another bout with insomnia. This time I forced myself to lay in bed until I went to sleep after a half an hour instead of getting up and doing stuff. Three hours later, I decided it was enough, so I went in the kitchen and fixed myself popcorn. After I ate the popcorn, I went to my computer to see if I could fix my Hamburgers game that was broken. Two hours later (it was now about 6 a.m.), I hit success. The game was fixed! We had done it. So then I went to sleep. I woke up a half-hour ago, and tried it on my Everdrive. It works on it. There was one instance of the pizza slice misbehaving, but other than that, the audio works and the video works, so I'm happy. I can continue to work on it.


Also, I didn't think I'd ever get to sleep, but I got about 6 hours' worth, so I can continue my life, albeit kind of sleepy since I did only get 6 hours of it.


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